Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goodbye Irene, Hello Fall

Irene came and went. She left a mess. Luckily, we never lost power, only internet and phone.

Irene did leave us with beautiful weather and nothing but blue skies these last few days. It feels like fall and we are soaking it all up since its almost back to school time! We are getting excited to see some colorful leaves like these on our after school walks once again.



  1. Irene spared us here in our northern NJ location. But plenty of places nearby really got socked with flooding. Now Honey is staring down the final days of summer, with Fall right around the corner!

  2. I was surprised how bad things were here on Long Island. I thought the storm wasn't too big a deal since my street made out pretty well, no trees lost or anything. Then when I ventured out into my neighborhood I saw that there were tons of trees down and lots of people had no power. Glad you guys were spared! : )

  3. We're so happy to hear that you didn't lose power - that's sure no fun!
    We love autumn. It's our favorite season!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch
