Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our Stalker

This guy is stalking us. He watches us through the fence and barks/howls/screeches if we so much as glance over his way!



I know he is watching us because how else would he know how to sit on top of a table? That is Honey Ham's signature move!!!


This is an older picture of Ham from a year ago maybe? She still likes to sit on the table though. Side note - she has horrible tear stains in this picture! I don't know where they went but she doesn't have them anymore. We didn't do anything special, they just disappeared. Weird.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Looks like you have a peeping dog next door! Beware Honey Ham!

    I don't think Ozzie could get on top of our table?! If he did it would probably crack!

  2. Aww, Ozzie! He needs a wooden table to handle all those bulldog muscles!
