Sandy sucks. We hate her, but we survived and we were very, very lucky.
Here is Ham, hating Sandy.
Our home kept us safe and we made it through unscathed. All our family members are safe. There is a ton of damage around our neighborhood, but nothing a few chainsaws and men and women in hard hats can't fix.
Here is Ham, NOT cooperating with the clean up effort.
We had to cancel Halloween. No big loss there...we never even got candy. Oops! We will do better next year. We only had a few kids anyway.
We are still without power which is not fun, but we are managing. We have hot water, a working stove and a fireplace to keep us warm. We have a generator (which, by miracle we got the Friday before the storm!).
Here on Long Island things are getting a little crazy. People are acting ugly and panicking. There is no gasoline to be found. It is scary. Hopefully, the gas situation will regulate itself by the end of the weekend.
Question: Do I charge the phone in the car or wait to charge when the generator is running? Which uses more gas? At least I have Ham to keep me company when I charge my phone in the car. Even though she falls asleep because she loves the heated seats!
So, all things considered, we are OK. Great even. We are lucky, blessed, thankful and grateful. We would be even more grateful if LIPA would stop "assessing" and get to working, but I won't get started on that here. We know all the linemen and woman are working their hardest out there. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and messages to us on Facebook. We really appreciate knowing that y'all are thinking about Ham...who is currently napping by the fire, and us!
And lastly,
- Those doomsday preppers aren't that crazy!
- Get a generator and keep extra gas cans on hand to fill before a storm.
- Always make sure your cars gas tanks are FULL! I drive on fumes all the time. No more! Thankfully, I filled up before the storm.
- Keep ice ready to go in your freezer. Something told me to make ice packs before the storm. I filled ziploc bags with water and froze them and I am sooo glad I did! I was able to save the bacon!
- Keep small coolers on hand (for saving bacon)!
- Make sure your flashlights always have batteries, duh.
- It can't hurt to have extra dog food on hand. YAY Fedex delivered out monthly dog food supply on Wednesday after the storm. Amazing Fedex! We love you!
- Download the free 5-0 Radio police scanner app on your iPhone. It will keep you entertained (sometimes in a "funny, ha-ha" way, sometimes in an "I'm scared for humanity" way) in times without TV.
Thanks again everyone!
We hope all our friends in Sandy's way made it through and are safe!
Ham and Family